# Personal Linux config Personal Linux-related configs to help me succeed in life (or at least simplify it). Feel free to try or poke around in the source (it's all human-readable bash), or heck even add "cool stuff" to help each other out! ## Usage Explaining section for not-so-intuitive configurations - alias `sambaserver`: (¡requires Docker!) please `cd` into the directoy is needed to be shared and execute `sambaserver`, then just login with default username `user` and the default password `P4ssw0rd` with the host computer as URL/IP, autodiscovery of both the host and the share was tested working on Windows and a Samsung Tablet. - alias `sambastop`: (¡requires Docker!) when you're finished, this command stops and removes the samba container. - alias `termbin`: (¡requires Netcat!) use when piping a cat/echo/file/etc to upload to termbin.com ## Modular sourcing mechanism Create a file in your home directory called `~/.bash_sources`, and put a script path on every line of this file, it will be sourced automatically.
WARNING: it has to be a full path, for example `/path/to/script.sh` and not abbreviated (as in `~/script.sh`)... idk bash decided like so.
WARNING 2: every line needs to be a path to a file, not a direct command, sourcing a file is possible; souring an "export" or a function... not so much! #### For example: `/home/user/.bash_sources`: ```bash /home/user/.bash_path /path/to/some/other/script.sh ``` `/home/user/.bash_path`: ```bash export PATH=~/bin/myproject/bin:$PATH ```