# nyx - Imageboard A simple, dependency-free image board. ## Requirements * HTTPS Capable Host * Being able to compile and run a go binary * Disk Space ## Installation Simply `go get` the source code or compile it otherwise, dependencies are included. ## Usage By default nyx works in volatile-mode, all changes are only stored in memory and default credentials are setup in the database. To overwrite these defaults, simply create the file `config.yml` or specify another file via the `-config` flag. ## Configuration The configuration file is written in YAML. The following is a list of options available; * `disable_security` - Disabled some HTTPS only options for cookies or redirects * `secret` - Secret used for User Login, CSRF and Session Management, default is `changeme` * `listen_on` - Defaults to `:8080`, specifies on which port the HTTP server is launched. Nyx will not utilize this value otherwise so proxying is safe. * `hosts` - A whitelists of hostnames that are allowed to be used. Nyx uses hostnames to differentiate several board collections. * `db.file` - File to use for data storage, defaults to `:memory:` which means in-memory storage * `site.title` - Site Title * `site.description` - Site Description