Renamed "includes" to "templates" Added .htaccess to redirect requests to index.php Added function to split request URL into array Corrected locations in scripts and pages
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41 lines
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require_once ( 'config.php' );
function db_connect ( ) {
global $config;
$connection = new MySQLi ( $config [ 'db' ] [ 'host' ], $config [ 'db' ] [ 'username' ], $config [ 'db' ] [ 'password' ], $config [ 'db' ] [ 'name' ], $config [ 'db' ] [ 'port' ] );
if ( $connection->connect_errno ) {
die ( "Database connection failed." );
return $connection;
function db_prepare ( MySQLi $connection, string $query ) {
if ( ! ( $statement = $connection -> prepare ( $query ) ) ) {
die ( "Prepare failed: (" . $connection->errno . ") " . $connection->error );
return $statement;
function db_bind ( MySQLi_stmt $statement, array $params ) {
if ( ! call_user_func_array ( array ( $statement, "bind_param" ), array_merge ( $params [ 0 ], $params [ 1 ] ) ) ) {
die ( "Binding parameters failed: (" . $statement->errno . ") " . $statement->error );
function db_execute ( $statement ) {
if ( ! $statement->execute ( ) ) {
die ( "Execute failed: (" . $statement->errno . ") " . $statement->error );
function split_uri_array ( string $php_self, string $request_uri ) : Array {
$uri = substr ( $request_uri, strlen ( substr ( $php_self, 0, strrpos ( $php_self, 'index.php' ) ) ), strlen ( $request_uri ) - strlen ( substr ( $php_self, 0, strrpos ( $php_self, 'index.php' ) ) ) );
$arr = Array ( );
$last_arg_pos = 0;
for ( $i = 1; $i < ( strlen ( $uri ) ) - 1; $i ++ ) {
if ( substr ( $uri, $i, 1 ) == "/" && substr ( $uri, $i + 1, 1 ) != "/" && substr ( $uri, $i - 1, 1 ) != "/" ) {
$arr [ ] = substr ( $uri, $last_arg_pos, $i - $last_arg_pos);
$last_arg_pos = $i + 1;
$arr [ ] = substr ( $uri, $last_arg_pos, $i - $last_arg_pos + 1);
return $arr;