<spanclass="subheading">Random thoughts or brilliant ideas?</span>
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Yes, this is published, and still work in progress
You're right: after more than 5 different revisions, ten plus days of hard coding almost every day, something like half a hundred small tweaking for performance and graphical details, and an outer man which had never seen the site before judgin' it for completeness...<br>
This website has become public available, the source code is online, you are visiting it just right now, and I still don't have ideas to put here;<br>
Or maybe all of the previous one that were here before became reality and you can enjoy their awesomeness somewhere else on one of my thousands of websites...<br>
I would like to translate my entire website to French, Dutch, Spanish, English (done), and Italian (not a big deal, my mothertongue).<br>
If anyone knows a little bit of PHP, database integration with it, SQL language (all tho it's the least important one), or have any good idea in mind, feel free to send a suggestion to my Telegram bot <ahref="https://t.me/bryanpedini_suggestions_bot">@bryanpedini_suggestions_bot</a>