Improved speed and comprehensiveness

Edited templates location, removed unnecessary CSS and JS files, moved the onePageApp style and scripts into respective files, modified variable names for better comprehension.
TODO next: add comments to the code.
This commit is contained in:
Bryan Pedini 2019-01-17 13:26:20 +01:00
parent b31908029a
commit 0f24e8322b
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 688D440AE31B40C2
16 changed files with 87 additions and 7925 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
html,body {
scrollbar-width: none;
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 0;

View File

@ -1,44 +1,60 @@
session_set_cookie_params ( 1*24*60*60, "/" );
$session_timeout_days = 1;
$session_timeout_hours = 0;
$session_timeout_minutes = 0;
$session_timeout_seconds = 0;
$session_timeout = ($session_timeout_days*86400)+($session_timeout_hours*3600)+($session_timeout_minutes*60)+$session_timeout_seconds;
session_set_cookie_params ( $session_timeout, "/" );
session_start ();
$sections = [
0 => 'Previous',
$section_page_titles = [
0 => '',
1 => 'Home',
2 => 'About myself',
3 => 'What I\'ve done so far',
4 => 'Who I would like to be',
5 => 'Contact me via webform'
5 => 'Webform contact'
if ( ! isset ( $_POST ['section'] ) || ! in_array ( $_POST ['section'], array_keys( $sections ) ) ) {
$section_title = 'Home';
if ( ! isset ( $_POST ['section'] ) ) {
$requested_section_title = 'Home';
else {
$section = $_POST ['section'];
if ( $section == 0 ) {
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'section' ] ) ) {
$section = $_SESSION [ 'section' ];
else {
$section = 1;
$_SESSION [ 'section' ] = $section;
$section_title = $sections [ $section ];
$sections_content = [
1 => file_get_contents ( 'tmpl/home.phtml' ),
2 => file_get_contents ( 'tmpl/description.phtml' ),
3 => file_get_contents ( 'tmpl/projects.phtml' ),
4 => file_get_contents ( 'tmpl/ideas.phtml' ),
5 => file_get_contents ( 'tmpl/contact-form.phtml' ),
if ( ! in_array ( $_POST ['section'], array_keys( $section_page_titles ) ) ) {
$page_content_array = [
'status' => 400,
'errorCode' => 'Bad Request',
'errorText' => 'Requested section \'' . $_POST [ 'section' ] . '\' does not exist: do not attempt to compromise the website.',
$arr_res = [
'status' => 200,
'pageTitle' => $section_title,
'html' => $sections_content [ $section ]
$res = json_encode($arr_res);
$page_content_json = json_encode ( $page_content_array );
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo $res;
echo $page_content_json;
$requested_section = $_POST ['section'];
if ( $requested_section == 0 ) {
if ( isset ( $_SESSION [ 'section' ] ) ) {
$requested_section = $_SESSION [ 'section' ];
else {
$requested_section = 1;
$_SESSION [ 'section' ] = $requested_section;
$requested_section_title = $section_page_titles [ $requested_section ];
$section_templates = [
1 => file_get_contents ( 'templates/home.phtml' ),
2 => file_get_contents ( 'templates/description.phtml' ),
3 => file_get_contents ( 'templates/projects.phtml' ),
4 => file_get_contents ( 'templates/ideas.phtml' ),
5 => file_get_contents ( 'templates/contact-form.phtml' ),
$page_content_array = [
'status' => 200,
'pageTitle' => $requested_section_title,
'html' => $section_templates [ $requested_section ]
$page_content_json = json_encode($page_content_array);
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo $page_content_json;
@ -49,20 +65,13 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="author" content="">
<title id="page-title"><?=$section_title?> | Bryan Pedini</title>
<title id="page-title"><?=$requested_section_title?> | Bryan Pedini</title>
<link href="vendor/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="vendor/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lora:400,700,400italic,700italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300italic,400italic,600italic,700italic,800italic,400,300,600,700,800' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href="css/clean-blog.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
html,body {
scrollbar-width: none;
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 0;
<link href="css/hidden-scrollbar-GUI.css" rel="stylesheet">
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light fixed-top" id="mainNav">
@ -97,46 +106,8 @@
<script src="vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="vendor/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script>
<script src="vendor/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/clean-blog.min.js"></script>
var $ = jQuery;
function getPageContent (section) {
url: 'index.php',
method: 'POST',
datatype: 'JSON',
data: {
section: section,
success: function (data) {
if ( data.status == 200 ) {
$('#page-title').html(data.pageTitle + " | Bryan Pedini");
else {
console.log(data.status + ": " + data.errorText);
error: function (jqXHR, exception) {
console.log(jqXHR.status + ": " + jqXHR.responseText + " | - | " + exception);
$(function() {
$('#navbar-home').on('click', function (clickEvent) { getPageContent (1) } );
$('#navbar-description').on('click', function (clickEvent) { getPageContent (2) });
$('#navbar-work').on('click', function (clickEvent) { getPageContent (3) });
$('#navbar-ideas').on('click', function (clickEvent) { getPageContent (4) });
$('#navbar-contact-form').on('click', function (clickEvent) { getPageContent (5) });
$('#navbar-contact-email').on('click', function (clickEvent) { window.location.href = "mailto:bryanpedini@bryanpedini.it"; });
$('ul.nav li.dropdown').hover(function() {
$(this).find('.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).fadeIn(500);
}, function() {
$(this).find('.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).fadeOut(500);
<script src="js/onePageApp-sections-control.js"></script>

View File

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
$(function() {
$("#contactForm input,#contactForm textarea").jqBootstrapValidation({
preventSubmit: true,
submitError: function($form, event, errors) {
// additional error messages or events
submitSuccess: function($form, event) {
event.preventDefault(); // prevent default submit behaviour
// get values from FORM
var name = $("input#name").val();
var email = $("input#email").val();
var phone = $("input#phone").val();
var message = $("textarea#message").val();
var firstName = name; // For Success/Failure Message
// Check for white space in name for Success/Fail message
if (firstName.indexOf(' ') >= 0) {
firstName = name.split(' ').slice(0, -1).join(' ');
$this = $("#sendMessageButton");
$this.prop("disabled", true); // Disable submit button until AJAX call is complete to prevent duplicate messages
url: "././mail/contact_me.php",
type: "POST",
data: {
name: name,
phone: phone,
email: email,
message: message
cache: false,
success: function() {
// Success message
$('#success').html("<div class='alert alert-success'>");
$('#success > .alert-success').html("<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-hidden='true'>&times;")
$('#success > .alert-success')
.append("<strong>Your message has been sent. </strong>");
$('#success > .alert-success')
//clear all fields
error: function() {
// Fail message
$('#success').html("<div class='alert alert-danger'>");
$('#success > .alert-danger').html("<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-hidden='true'>&times;")
$('#success > .alert-danger').append($("<strong>").text("Sorry " + firstName + ", it seems that my mail server is not responding. Please try again later!"));
$('#success > .alert-danger').append('</div>');
//clear all fields
complete: function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$this.prop("disabled", false); // Re-enable submit button when AJAX call is complete
}, 1000);
filter: function() {
return $(this).is(":visible");
$("a[data-toggle=\"tab\"]").click(function(e) {
/*When clicking on Full hide fail/success boxes */
$('#name').focus(function() {

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
* Start Bootstrap - Clean Blog v5.0.1 (https://startbootstrap.com/template-overviews/clean-blog)
* Copyright 2013-2018 Start Bootstrap
* Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/BlackrockDigital/startbootstrap-clean-blog/blob/master/LICENSE)
$(function(){$("#contactForm input,#contactForm textarea").jqBootstrapValidation({preventSubmit:!0,submitError:function(t,e,s){},submitSuccess:function(t,e){e.preventDefault();var s=$("input#name").val(),a=$("input#email").val(),n=$("input#phone").val(),c=$("textarea#message").val(),i=s;0<=i.indexOf(" ")&&(i=s.split(" ").slice(0,-1).join(" ")),$this=$("#sendMessageButton"),$this.prop("disabled",!0),$.ajax({url:"././mail/contact_me.php",type:"POST",data:{name:s,phone:n,email:a,message:c},cache:!1,success:function(){$("#success").html("<div class='alert alert-success'>"),$("#success > .alert-success").html("<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-hidden='true'>&times;").append("</button>"),$("#success > .alert-success").append("<strong>Your message has been sent. </strong>"),$("#success > .alert-success").append("</div>"),$("#contactForm").trigger("reset")},error:function(){$("#success").html("<div class='alert alert-danger'>"),$("#success > .alert-danger").html("<button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-hidden='true'>&times;").append("</button>"),$("#success > .alert-danger").append($("<strong>").text("Sorry "+i+", it seems that my mail server is not responding. Please try again later!")),$("#success > .alert-danger").append("</div>"),$("#contactForm").trigger("reset")},complete:function(){setTimeout(function(){$this.prop("disabled",!1)},1e3)}})},filter:function(){return $(this).is(":visible")}}),$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').click(function(t){t.preventDefault(),$(this).tab("show")})}),$("#name").focus(function(){$("#success").html("")});

View File

@ -1,937 +0,0 @@
/* jqBootstrapValidation
* A plugin for automating validation on Twitter Bootstrap formatted forms.
* v1.3.6
* License: MIT <http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php> - see LICENSE file
* http://ReactiveRaven.github.com/jqBootstrapValidation/
(function($) {
var createdElements = [];
var defaults = {
options: {
prependExistingHelpBlock: false,
sniffHtml: true, // sniff for 'required', 'maxlength', etc
preventSubmit: true, // stop the form submit event from firing if validation fails
submitError: false, // function called if there is an error when trying to submit
submitSuccess: false, // function called just before a successful submit event is sent to the server
semanticallyStrict: false, // set to true to tidy up generated HTML output
autoAdd: {
helpBlocks: true
filter: function() {
// return $(this).is(":visible"); // only validate elements you can see
return true; // validate everything
methods: {
init: function(options) {
var settings = $.extend(true, {}, defaults);
settings.options = $.extend(true, settings.options, options);
var $siblingElements = this;
var uniqueForms = $.unique(
$siblingElements.map(function() {
return $(this).parents("form")[0];
$(uniqueForms).bind("submit", function(e) {
var $form = $(this);
var warningsFound = 0;
var $inputs = $form.find("input,textarea,select").not("[type=submit],[type=image]").filter(settings.options.filter);
$inputs.each(function(i, el) {
var $this = $(el),
$controlGroup = $this.parents(".form-group").first();
if (
) {
if (warningsFound) {
if (settings.options.preventSubmit) {
if ($.isFunction(settings.options.submitError)) {
settings.options.submitError($form, e, $inputs.jqBootstrapValidation("collectErrors", true));
} else {
if ($.isFunction(settings.options.submitSuccess)) {
settings.options.submitSuccess($form, e);
return this.each(function() {
// Get references to everything we're interested in
var $this = $(this),
$controlGroup = $this.parents(".form-group").first(),
$helpBlock = $controlGroup.find(".help-block").first(),
$form = $this.parents("form").first(),
validatorNames = [];
// create message container if not exists
if (!$helpBlock.length && settings.options.autoAdd && settings.options.autoAdd.helpBlocks) {
$helpBlock = $('<div class="help-block" />');
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
// *snort sniff snuffle*
if (settings.options.sniffHtml) {
var message = "";
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if ($this.attr("pattern") !== undefined) {
message = "Not in the expected format<!-- data-validation-pattern-message to override -->";
if ($this.data("validationPatternMessage")) {
message = $this.data("validationPatternMessage");
$this.data("validationPatternMessage", message);
$this.data("validationPatternRegex", $this.attr("pattern"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MAX
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if ($this.attr("max") !== undefined || $this.attr("aria-valuemax") !== undefined) {
var max = ($this.attr("max") !== undefined ? $this.attr("max") : $this.attr("aria-valuemax"));
message = "Too high: Maximum of '" + max + "'<!-- data-validation-max-message to override -->";
if ($this.data("validationMaxMessage")) {
message = $this.data("validationMaxMessage");
$this.data("validationMaxMessage", message);
$this.data("validationMaxMax", max);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MIN
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if ($this.attr("min") !== undefined || $this.attr("aria-valuemin") !== undefined) {
var min = ($this.attr("min") !== undefined ? $this.attr("min") : $this.attr("aria-valuemin"));
message = "Too low: Minimum of '" + min + "'<!-- data-validation-min-message to override -->";
if ($this.data("validationMinMessage")) {
message = $this.data("validationMinMessage");
$this.data("validationMinMessage", message);
$this.data("validationMinMin", min);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if ($this.attr("maxlength") !== undefined) {
message = "Too long: Maximum of '" + $this.attr("maxlength") + "' characters<!-- data-validation-maxlength-message to override -->";
if ($this.data("validationMaxlengthMessage")) {
message = $this.data("validationMaxlengthMessage");
$this.data("validationMaxlengthMessage", message);
$this.data("validationMaxlengthMaxlength", $this.attr("maxlength"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if ($this.attr("minlength") !== undefined) {
message = "Too short: Minimum of '" + $this.attr("minlength") + "' characters<!-- data-validation-minlength-message to override -->";
if ($this.data("validationMinlengthMessage")) {
message = $this.data("validationMinlengthMessage");
$this.data("validationMinlengthMessage", message);
$this.data("validationMinlengthMinlength", $this.attr("minlength"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if ($this.attr("required") !== undefined || $this.attr("aria-required") !== undefined) {
message = settings.builtInValidators.required.message;
if ($this.data("validationRequiredMessage")) {
message = $this.data("validationRequiredMessage");
$this.data("validationRequiredMessage", message);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if ($this.attr("type") !== undefined && $this.attr("type").toLowerCase() === "number") {
message = settings.builtInValidators.number.message;
if ($this.data("validationNumberMessage")) {
message = $this.data("validationNumberMessage");
$this.data("validationNumberMessage", message);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if ($this.attr("type") !== undefined && $this.attr("type").toLowerCase() === "email") {
message = "Not a valid email address<!-- data-validator-validemail-message to override -->";
if ($this.data("validationValidemailMessage")) {
message = $this.data("validationValidemailMessage");
} else if ($this.data("validationEmailMessage")) {
message = $this.data("validationEmailMessage");
$this.data("validationValidemailMessage", message);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if ($this.attr("minchecked") !== undefined) {
message = "Not enough options checked; Minimum of '" + $this.attr("minchecked") + "' required<!-- data-validation-minchecked-message to override -->";
if ($this.data("validationMincheckedMessage")) {
message = $this.data("validationMincheckedMessage");
$this.data("validationMincheckedMessage", message);
$this.data("validationMincheckedMinchecked", $this.attr("minchecked"));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if ($this.attr("maxchecked") !== undefined) {
message = "Too many options checked; Maximum of '" + $this.attr("maxchecked") + "' required<!-- data-validation-maxchecked-message to override -->";
if ($this.data("validationMaxcheckedMessage")) {
message = $this.data("validationMaxcheckedMessage");
$this.data("validationMaxcheckedMessage", message);
$this.data("validationMaxcheckedMaxchecked", $this.attr("maxchecked"));
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
// Get named validators
if ($this.data("validation") !== undefined) {
validatorNames = $this.data("validation").split(",");
// Get extra ones defined on the element's data attributes
$.each($this.data(), function(i, el) {
var parts = i.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ",$1").split(",");
if (parts[0] === "validation" && parts[1]) {
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
var validatorNamesToInspect = validatorNames;
var newValidatorNamesToInspect = [];
do // repeatedly expand 'shortcut' validators into their real validators
// Uppercase only the first letter of each name
$.each(validatorNames, function(i, el) {
validatorNames[i] = formatValidatorName(el);
// Remove duplicate validator names
validatorNames = $.unique(validatorNames);
// Pull out the new validator names from each shortcut
newValidatorNamesToInspect = [];
$.each(validatorNamesToInspect, function(i, el) {
if ($this.data("validation" + el + "Shortcut") !== undefined) {
// Are these custom validators?
// Pull them out!
$.each($this.data("validation" + el + "Shortcut").split(","), function(i2, el2) {
} else if (settings.builtInValidators[el.toLowerCase()]) {
// Is this a recognised built-in?
// Pull it out!
var validator = settings.builtInValidators[el.toLowerCase()];
if (validator.type.toLowerCase() === "shortcut") {
$.each(validator.shortcut.split(","), function(i, el) {
el = formatValidatorName(el);
validatorNamesToInspect = newValidatorNamesToInspect;
} while (validatorNamesToInspect.length > 0)
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
var validators = {};
$.each(validatorNames, function(i, el) {
// Set up the 'override' message
var message = $this.data("validation" + el + "Message");
var hasOverrideMessage = (message !== undefined);
var foundValidator = false;
message =
message ?
message :
"'" + el + "' validation failed <!-- Add attribute 'data-validation-" + el.toLowerCase() + "-message' to input to change this message -->"
function(validatorType, validatorTemplate) {
if (validators[validatorType] === undefined) {
validators[validatorType] = [];
if (!foundValidator && $this.data("validation" + el + formatValidatorName(validatorTemplate.name)) !== undefined) {
true, {
name: formatValidatorName(validatorTemplate.name),
message: message
validatorTemplate.init($this, el)
foundValidator = true;
if (!foundValidator && settings.builtInValidators[el.toLowerCase()]) {
var validator = $.extend(true, {}, settings.builtInValidators[el.toLowerCase()]);
if (hasOverrideMessage) {
validator.message = message;
var validatorType = validator.type.toLowerCase();
if (validatorType === "shortcut") {
foundValidator = true;
} else {
function(validatorTemplateType, validatorTemplate) {
if (validators[validatorTemplateType] === undefined) {
validators[validatorTemplateType] = [];
if (!foundValidator && validatorType === validatorTemplateType.toLowerCase()) {
$this.data("validation" + el + formatValidatorName(validatorTemplate.name), validator[validatorTemplate.name.toLowerCase()]);
validatorTemplate.init($this, el)
foundValidator = true;
if (!foundValidator) {
$.error("Cannot find validation info for '" + el + "'");
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
$helpBlock.data("original-contents") ?
$helpBlock.data("original-contents") :
$helpBlock.data("original-role") ?
$helpBlock.data("original-role") :
$controlGroup.data("original-clases") ?
$controlGroup.data("original-classes") :
$this.data("original-aria-invalid") ?
$this.data("original-aria-invalid") :
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
function(event, params) {
var value = getValue($this);
// Get a list of the errors to apply
var errorsFound = [];
$.each(validators, function(validatorType, validatorTypeArray) {
if (value || value.length || (params && params.includeEmpty) || (!!settings.validatorTypes[validatorType].blockSubmit && params && !!params.submitting)) {
$.each(validatorTypeArray, function(i, validator) {
if (settings.validatorTypes[validatorType].validate($this, value, validator)) {
return errorsFound;
function() {
return validators;
// =============================================================
// =============================================================
function() {
return $this.triggerHandler("change.validation", {
submitting: true
].join(".validation ") + ".validation",
function(e, params) {
var value = getValue($this);
var errorsFound = [];
$controlGroup.find("input,textarea,select").each(function(i, el) {
var oldCount = errorsFound.length;
$.each($(el).triggerHandler("validation.validation", params), function(j, message) {
if (errorsFound.length > oldCount) {
$(el).attr("aria-invalid", "true");
} else {
var original = $this.data("original-aria-invalid");
$(el).attr("aria-invalid", (original !== undefined ? original : false));
$form.find("input,select,textarea").not($this).not("[name=\"" + $this.attr("name") + "\"]").trigger("validationLostFocus.validation");
errorsFound = $.unique(errorsFound.sort());
// Were there any errors?
if (errorsFound.length) {
// Better flag it up as a warning.
$controlGroup.removeClass("success error").addClass("warning");
// How many errors did we find?
if (settings.options.semanticallyStrict && errorsFound.length === 1) {
// Only one? Being strict? Just output it.
$helpBlock.html(errorsFound[0] +
(settings.options.prependExistingHelpBlock ? $helpBlock.data("original-contents") : ""));
} else {
// Multiple? Being sloppy? Glue them together into an UL.
$helpBlock.html("<ul role=\"alert\"><li>" + errorsFound.join("</li><li>") + "</li></ul>" +
(settings.options.prependExistingHelpBlock ? $helpBlock.data("original-contents") : ""));
} else {
$controlGroup.removeClass("warning error success");
if (value.length > 0) {
if (e.type === "blur") {
$this.bind("validationLostFocus.validation", function() {
destroy: function() {
return this.each(
function() {
$this = $(this),
$controlGroup = $this.parents(".form-group").first(),
$helpBlock = $controlGroup.find(".help-block").first();
// remove our events
$this.unbind('.validation'); // events are namespaced.
// reset help text
// reset classes
$controlGroup.attr("class", $controlGroup.data("original-classes"));
// reset aria
$this.attr("aria-invalid", $this.data("original-aria-invalid"));
// reset role
$helpBlock.attr("role", $this.data("original-role"));
// remove all elements we created
if (createdElements.indexOf($helpBlock[0]) > -1) {
collectErrors: function(includeEmpty) {
var errorMessages = {};
this.each(function(i, el) {
var $el = $(el);
var name = $el.attr("name");
var errors = $el.triggerHandler("validation.validation", {
includeEmpty: true
errorMessages[name] = $.extend(true, errors, errorMessages[name]);
$.each(errorMessages, function(i, el) {
if (el.length === 0) {
delete errorMessages[i];
return errorMessages;
hasErrors: function() {
var errorMessages = [];
this.each(function(i, el) {
errorMessages = errorMessages.concat(
$(el).triggerHandler("getValidators.validation") ? $(el).triggerHandler("validation.validation", {
submitting: true
}) : []
return (errorMessages.length > 0);
override: function(newDefaults) {
defaults = $.extend(true, defaults, newDefaults);
validatorTypes: {
callback: {
name: "callback",
init: function($this, name) {
return {
validatorName: name,
callback: $this.data("validation" + name + "Callback"),
lastValue: $this.val(),
lastValid: true,
lastFinished: true
validate: function($this, value, validator) {
if (validator.lastValue === value && validator.lastFinished) {
return !validator.lastValid;
if (validator.lastFinished === true) {
validator.lastValue = value;
validator.lastValid = true;
validator.lastFinished = false;
var rrjqbvValidator = validator;
var rrjqbvThis = $this;
function(data) {
if (rrjqbvValidator.lastValue === data.value) {
rrjqbvValidator.lastValid = data.valid;
if (data.message) {
rrjqbvValidator.message = data.message;
rrjqbvValidator.lastFinished = true;
rrjqbvThis.data("validation" + rrjqbvValidator.validatorName + "Message", rrjqbvValidator.message);
// Timeout is set to avoid problems with the events being considered 'already fired'
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1); // doesn't need a long timeout, just long enough for the event bubble to burst
return false;
ajax: {
name: "ajax",
init: function($this, name) {
return {
validatorName: name,
url: $this.data("validation" + name + "Ajax"),
lastValue: $this.val(),
lastValid: true,
lastFinished: true
validate: function($this, value, validator) {
if ("" + validator.lastValue === "" + value && validator.lastFinished === true) {
return validator.lastValid === false;
if (validator.lastFinished === true) {
validator.lastValue = value;
validator.lastValid = true;
validator.lastFinished = false;
url: validator.url,
data: "value=" + value + "&field=" + $this.attr("name"),
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
if ("" + validator.lastValue === "" + data.value) {
validator.lastValid = !!(data.valid);
if (data.message) {
validator.message = data.message;
validator.lastFinished = true;
$this.data("validation" + validator.validatorName + "Message", validator.message);
// Timeout is set to avoid problems with the events being considered 'already fired'
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1); // doesn't need a long timeout, just long enough for the event bubble to burst
failure: function() {
validator.lastValid = true;
validator.message = "ajax call failed";
validator.lastFinished = true;
$this.data("validation" + validator.validatorName + "Message", validator.message);
// Timeout is set to avoid problems with the events being considered 'already fired'
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1); // doesn't need a long timeout, just long enough for the event bubble to burst
return false;
regex: {
name: "regex",
init: function($this, name) {
return {
regex: regexFromString($this.data("validation" + name + "Regex"))
validate: function($this, value, validator) {
return (!validator.regex.test(value) && !validator.negative) ||
(validator.regex.test(value) && validator.negative);
required: {
name: "required",
init: function($this, name) {
return {};
validate: function($this, value, validator) {
return !!(value.length === 0 && !validator.negative) ||
!!(value.length > 0 && validator.negative);
blockSubmit: true
match: {
name: "match",
init: function($this, name) {
var element = $this.parents("form").first().find("[name=\"" + $this.data("validation" + name + "Match") + "\"]").first();
element.bind("validation.validation", function() {
$this.trigger("change.validation", {
submitting: true
return {
"element": element
validate: function($this, value, validator) {
return (value !== validator.element.val() && !validator.negative) ||
(value === validator.element.val() && validator.negative);
blockSubmit: true
max: {
name: "max",
init: function($this, name) {
return {
max: $this.data("validation" + name + "Max")
validate: function($this, value, validator) {
return (parseFloat(value, 10) > parseFloat(validator.max, 10) && !validator.negative) ||
(parseFloat(value, 10) <= parseFloat(validator.max, 10) && validator.negative);
min: {
name: "min",
init: function($this, name) {
return {
min: $this.data("validation" + name + "Min")
validate: function($this, value, validator) {
return (parseFloat(value) < parseFloat(validator.min) && !validator.negative) ||
(parseFloat(value) >= parseFloat(validator.min) && validator.negative);
maxlength: {
name: "maxlength",
init: function($this, name) {
return {
maxlength: $this.data("validation" + name + "Maxlength")
validate: function($this, value, validator) {
return ((value.length > validator.maxlength) && !validator.negative) ||
((value.length <= validator.maxlength) && validator.negative);
minlength: {
name: "minlength",
init: function($this, name) {
return {
minlength: $this.data("validation" + name + "Minlength")
validate: function($this, value, validator) {
return ((value.length < validator.minlength) && !validator.negative) ||
((value.length >= validator.minlength) && validator.negative);
maxchecked: {
name: "maxchecked",
init: function($this, name) {
var elements = $this.parents("form").first().find("[name=\"" + $this.attr("name") + "\"]");
elements.bind("click.validation", function() {
$this.trigger("change.validation", {
includeEmpty: true
return {
maxchecked: $this.data("validation" + name + "Maxchecked"),
elements: elements
validate: function($this, value, validator) {
return (validator.elements.filter(":checked").length > validator.maxchecked && !validator.negative) ||
(validator.elements.filter(":checked").length <= validator.maxchecked && validator.negative);
blockSubmit: true
minchecked: {
name: "minchecked",
init: function($this, name) {
var elements = $this.parents("form").first().find("[name=\"" + $this.attr("name") + "\"]");
elements.bind("click.validation", function() {
$this.trigger("change.validation", {
includeEmpty: true
return {
minchecked: $this.data("validation" + name + "Minchecked"),
elements: elements
validate: function($this, value, validator) {
return (validator.elements.filter(":checked").length < validator.minchecked && !validator.negative) ||
(validator.elements.filter(":checked").length >= validator.minchecked && validator.negative);
blockSubmit: true
builtInValidators: {
email: {
name: "Email",
type: "shortcut",
shortcut: "validemail"
validemail: {
name: "Validemail",
type: "regex",
regex: "[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}",
message: "Not a valid email address<!-- data-validator-validemail-message to override -->"
passwordagain: {
name: "Passwordagain",
type: "match",
match: "password",
message: "Does not match the given password<!-- data-validator-paswordagain-message to override -->"
positive: {
name: "Positive",
type: "shortcut",
shortcut: "number,positivenumber"
negative: {
name: "Negative",
type: "shortcut",
shortcut: "number,negativenumber"
number: {
name: "Number",
type: "regex",
regex: "([+-]?\\\d+(\\\.\\\d*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)?",
message: "Must be a number<!-- data-validator-number-message to override -->"
integer: {
name: "Integer",
type: "regex",
regex: "[+-]?\\\d+",
message: "No decimal places allowed<!-- data-validator-integer-message to override -->"
positivenumber: {
name: "Positivenumber",
type: "min",
min: 0,
message: "Must be a positive number<!-- data-validator-positivenumber-message to override -->"
negativenumber: {
name: "Negativenumber",
type: "max",
max: 0,
message: "Must be a negative number<!-- data-validator-negativenumber-message to override -->"
required: {
name: "Required",
type: "required",
message: "This is required<!-- data-validator-required-message to override -->"
checkone: {
name: "Checkone",
type: "minchecked",
minchecked: 1,
message: "Check at least one option<!-- data-validation-checkone-message to override -->"
var formatValidatorName = function(name) {
return name
function(m, p1, p2) {
return p1 + p2.toUpperCase();
var getValue = function($this) {
// Extract the value we're talking about
var value = $this.val();
var type = $this.attr("type");
if (type === "checkbox") {
value = ($this.is(":checked") ? value : "");
if (type === "radio") {
value = ($('input[name="' + $this.attr("name") + '"]:checked').length > 0 ? value : "");
return value;
function regexFromString(inputstring) {
return new RegExp("^" + inputstring + "$");
* Thanks to Jason Bunting via StackOverflow.com
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/359788/how-to-execute-a-javascript-function-when-i-have-its-name-as-a-string#answer-359910
* Short link: http://tinyurl.com/executeFunctionByName
function executeFunctionByName(functionName, context /*, args*/ ) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).splice(2);
var namespaces = functionName.split(".");
var func = namespaces.pop();
for (var i = 0; i < namespaces.length; i++) {
context = context[namespaces[i]];
return context[func].apply(this, args);
$.fn.jqBootstrapValidation = function(method) {
if (defaults.methods[method]) {
return defaults.methods[method].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
} else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return defaults.methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.jqBootstrapValidation');
return null;
$.jqBootstrapValidation = function(options) {
$(":input").not("[type=image],[type=submit]").jqBootstrapValidation.apply(this, arguments);

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View File

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(function($) {
function getPageContent (section) {
url: 'index.php',
method: 'POST',
datatype: 'JSON',
data: {
section: section,
success: function (data) {
if ( data.status == 200 ) {
$('#page-title').html(data.pageTitle + " | Bryan Pedini");
else {
console.log("[" + data.status + "] " + data.errorCode + ": " + data.errorText);
error: function (jqXHR, exception) {
console.log(jqXHR.status + ": " + jqXHR.responseText + " | - | " + exception);
$(function() {
$('#navbar-home').on('click', function () { getPageContent (1) } );
$('#navbar-description').on('click', function () { getPageContent (2) });
$('#navbar-work').on('click', function () { getPageContent (3) });
$('#navbar-ideas').on('click', function () { getPageContent (4) });
$('#navbar-contact-form').on('click', function () { getPageContent (5) });
$('#navbar-contact-email').on('click', function () { window.location.href = "mailto:bryanpedini@bryanpedini.it"; });
$('ul.nav li.dropdown').hover(function() {
$(this).find('.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).fadeIn(500);
}, function() {
$(this).find('.dropdown-menu').stop(true, true).fadeOut(500);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long