mirror of https://github.com/rls-moe/nyx synced 2024-09-28 16:03:47 +02:00
2017-03-15 14:33:27 +01:00

63 lines
12 KiB

package board
import (
func init() {
// define files
file2 := &embedded.EmbeddedFile{
Filename: `board.html`,
FileModTime: time.Unix(1489412682, 0),
Content: string("<!doctype html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">\n <title>{{.Config.Site.Title}} - /{{.Board.ShortName}}/</title>\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/@/style.css\">\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/@/custom.css\">\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"banner logo\">\n <div class=\"site title\"><h1><span class=\"reflink\"><a href=\"/{{.Board.ShortName}}/board.html\">/{{.Board.ShortName}}/</a></span></h1></div>\n <div class=\"site description\"><h2>{{.Board.LongName}}</h2></div>\n</div>\n{{ $boardlink := .Board.ShortName }}\n{{ if .Session }}\n{{ if eq (.Session.CAttr \"mode\") \"admin\" }}\nLogged in as Admin\n{{ end }}\n{{ if eq (.Session.CAttr \"mode\") \"mod\" }}\nLogged in as Mod for {{ .Session.CAttr \"board\" }}\n{{ end }}\n{{ end }}\n<hr />\n{{ template \"thread/post\" . }}\n<div class=\"postlists\">\n {{ $board := .Board }}\n {{ $csrf := .CSRFToken }}\n {{ $session := .Session }}\n {{range .Threads}}\n {{ template \"thread/postlists\" dict \"Thread\" . \"Board\" $board \"CSRFToken\" $csrf \"Session\" $session }}\n {{end}}\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>"),
file3 := &embedded.EmbeddedFile{
Filename: `dir.html`,
FileModTime: time.Unix(1489315156, 0),
Content: string("<!doctype html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">\n <title>{{.Config.Site.Title}} Boards</title>\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/@/style.css\">\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/@/custom.css\">\n</head>\n<body>\n <div class=\"banner logo\">\n <div class=\"site title\"><h1>{{.Config.Site.Title}}</h1></div>\n <div class=\"site description\"><h2>{{.Config.Site.Description}}</h2></div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"boardlist\">\n <div class=\"boardtitle\">\n <h3>Boards</h3>\n </div>\n <div class=\"boardlist\">\n <ul>\n {{range .Boards}}\n <li>\n <a class=\"boardlink\" href=\"/{{ .ShortName}}/board.html\">{{.ShortName}}: {{.LongName}}</a>\n </li>\n {{end}}\n </ul>\n </div>\n </div>\n</body>\n</html>"),
file4 := &embedded.EmbeddedFile{
Filename: `thread.html`,
FileModTime: time.Unix(1489412660, 0),
Content: string("<!doctype html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n <meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">\n <title>{{.Config.Site.Title}} - /{{.Board.ShortName}}/</title>\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/@/style.css\">\n <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/@/custom.css\">\n</head>\n<body>\n<div class=\"banner logo\">\n <div class=\"site title\"><h1><span class=\"reflink\"><a href=\"/{{.Board.ShortName}}/board.html\">/{{.Board.ShortName}}/</a></span></h1></div>\n <div class=\"site description\"><h2>{{.Board.LongName}}</h2></div>\n <div class=\"site thread\"><h3>{{.Thread.ID}}</h3></div>\n</div>\n{{ $boardlink := .Board.ShortName }}\n<hr />\n{{ template \"thread/post\" . }}\n{{ template \"thread/postlists\" . }}\n</body>\n</html>"),
file5 := &embedded.EmbeddedFile{
Filename: `thread.tmpl.html`,
FileModTime: time.Unix(1489566591, 0),
Content: string("{{ define \"thread/post\" }}\n<div class=\"postarea\">\n {{ if .Thread }}\n <form id=\"postform\"\n action=\"/{{.Board.ShortName}}/{{.Thread.ID}}/reply.sh\"\n method=\"POST\"\n enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n {{ else }}\n <form id=\"postform\"\n action=\"/{{.Board.ShortName}}/new_thread.sh\"\n method=\"POST\"\n enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n {{ end }}\n <table>\n <tbody>\n {{ if .PreviousError }}\n <tr>\n <td class=\"postblock\">\n Error\n </td>\n <td>\n {{.PreviousError}}\n </td>\n </tr>\n {{ end }}\n <tr>\n <td class=\"postblock\">\n TripCode\n </td>\n <td>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"tripcode\" size=48 placeholder=\"Anonymous\"/>\n <input\n type=\"hidden\"\n name=\"csrf_token\"\n value=\"{{ .CSRFToken }}\" />\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"postblock\">\n Comment\n </td>\n <td>\n <textarea\n name=\"text\"\n placeholder=\"your comment\"\n rows=\"4\"\n cols=\"48\"\n minlength=\"5\"\n required\n ></textarea>\n </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td class=\"postblock\">\n Image File\n </td>\n <td>\n <input type=\"file\" name=\"image\" />\n </td>\n </tr>\n {{ if ne .Config.Captcha.Mode \"disabled\" }}\n <tr>\n <td class=\"postblock\">\n Captcha\n </td>\n <td>\n {{ $captchaId := makeCaptcha }}\n <img id=\"image\" src=\"/captcha/{{$captchaId}}.png\" alt=\"Captcha Image\"/>\n <audio id=audio controls style=\"display:none\" src=\"/captcha/{{$captchaId}}.wav\" preload=none>\n You browser doesn't support audio.\n <a href=\"/captcha/download/{{$captchaId}}.wav\">Download file</a> to play it in the external player.\n </audio>\n <br>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"captchaSolution\" size=48 />\n <input type=\"hidden\"\n name=\"captchaId\"\n value=\"{{$captchaId}}\"/>\n </td>\n </tr>\n {{ end }}\n {{ if (isModSession .Session) }}\n <tr>\n <td class=\"postblock\">\n Mod Post\n </td>\n <td>\n <label>\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"modpost\"/>Mark as Mod Post\n </label>\n {{ if (isAdminSession .Session) }}\n <label>\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"adminpost\"/>Mark as Admin Post\n </label>\n {{ end }}\n </td>\n </tr>\n {{ end }}\n <tr>\n <td class=\"postblock\">\n\n </td>\n <td>\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Post\" />\n </td>\n </tr>\n {{ if .Board.Metadata.rules }}\n <tr>\n <td class=\"postblock\">\n Rules\n </td>\n <td class=\"rules\">\n {{ renderText .Board.Metadata.rules }}\n </td>\n </tr>\n {{ end }}\n </tbody>\n </table>\n </form>\n</div>\n<hr />\n{{ end }}\n\n{{ define \"thread/reply\" }}\n <label><span class=\"postertrip\">\n {{ if .Reply.Metadata.trip }}\n {{ .Reply.Metadata.trip}}\n {{ else }}\n Anonymous\n {{ end }}\n {{ if .Reply.Metadata.modpost }}\n (Mod)\n {{ end }}\n {{ if .Reply.Metadata.adminpost }}\n [Admin]\n {{ end }}\n </span></label>\n <span class=\"date\">{{dateFromID .Reply.ID | formatDate}}</span>\n {{ if .Session }}\n {{ if eq (.Session.CAttr \"mode\") \"admin\" }}\n <form class=\"delform\" action=\"/mod/del_reply.sh\" method=\"POST\">\n <input\n type=\"hidden\"\n name=\"csrf_token\"\n value=\"{{ .CSRF }}\" />\n <input\n type=\"hidden\"\n name=\"reply_id\"\n value=\"{{ .Reply.ID }}\" />\n <input\n type=\"hidden\"\n name=\"thread_id\"\n value=\"{{ .ThreadID }}\" />\n <input\n type=\"hidden\"\n name=\"board\"\n value=\"{{ .Boardlink }}\" />\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"delete\" />\n </form>\n {{ end }}\n {{ end }}\n <span>\n {{ if not .Reply.Metadata.spamscore }}\n {{ $score := (rateSpam .Reply.Text) }}\n {{printf \"[SpamScore: %f]\" $score }}\n {{printf \"[Captcha: %.3f%%]\" (percentFloat (captchaProb $score)) }}\n {{printf \"[OLD]\"}}\n {{ else }}\n {{ printf \"[SpamScore: %s]\" .Reply.Metadata.spamscore }}\n {{ printf \"[Captcha: %s %%]\" .Reply.Metadata.captchaprob }}\n {{ end }}\n </span>\n <span class=\"reflink\">\n <a href=\"/{{.Boardlink}}/{{.ThreadID}}/thread.html\">No.{{.Reply.ID}}</a>\n </span>\n {{ if .Reply.Thumbnail }}\n <br />\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/{{.Boardlink}}/{{.ThreadID}}/{{.Reply.ID}}/{{.Reply.ID}}.png\">\n <img\n src=\"/{{.Boardlink}}/{{.ThreadID}}/{{.Reply.ID}}/thumb.png\"\n class=\"thumb\"\n />\n </a>\n {{ end }}\n {{ if .Reply.Metadata.deleted }}\n <blockquote><blockquote class=\"deleted\">\n {{ renderText .Reply.Text }}\n </blockquote></blockquote>\n {{ else }}\n <blockquote><blockquote>\n {{ renderText .Reply.Text}}\n </blockquote></blockquote>\n {{ end }}\n{{ end }}\n\n{{ define \"thread/main\" }}\n<div class=\"postlists\">\n {{ $boardlink := .Board.ShortName }}\n {{ $threadrid := .Thread.GetReply.ID }}\n {{ $threadid := .Thread.ID }}\n {{ $csrf := .CSRFToken }}\n {{ $session := .Session }}\n {{ with .Thread }}\n {{ with .GetReply }}\n {{ with dict \"Reply\" . \"Boardlink\" $boardlink \"CSRF\" $csrf \"ThreadID\" $threadid \"Session\" $session }}\n {{ template \"thread/reply\" . }}\n {{ end }}\n {{ end }}\n {{range .GetReplies}}\n {{ if ne .ID $threadrid }}\n <table class=\"reply-table\"><tbody><tr><td class=\"doubledash\">&gt;&gt;</td>\n <td class=\"reply\" id=\"reply{{.ID}}\">\n {{ with dict \"Reply\" . \"Boardlink\" $boardlink \"CSRF\" $csrf \"ThreadID\" $threadid \"Session\" $session }}\n {{ template \"thread/reply\" . }}\n {{ end }}\n </td>\n </tr></tbody></table>\n {{end}}\n {{end}}\n {{end}}\n <br clear=\"left\" /><hr />\n</div>\n{{ end }}\n\n{{ template \"thread/main\" . }}"),
// define dirs
dir1 := &embedded.EmbeddedDir{
Filename: ``,
DirModTime: time.Unix(1489566591, 0),
ChildFiles: []*embedded.EmbeddedFile{
file2, // board.html
file3, // dir.html
file4, // thread.html
file5, // thread.tmpl.html
// link ChildDirs
dir1.ChildDirs = []*embedded.EmbeddedDir{}
// register embeddedBox
embedded.RegisterEmbeddedBox(`res/`, &embedded.EmbeddedBox{
Name: `res/`,
Time: time.Unix(1489566591, 0),
Dirs: map[string]*embedded.EmbeddedDir{
"": dir1,
Files: map[string]*embedded.EmbeddedFile{
"board.html": file2,
"dir.html": file3,
"thread.html": file4,
"thread.tmpl.html": file5,