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3 Commits

4 changed files with 44 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -6,5 +6,22 @@ Feel free to try or poke around in the source (it's all human-readable bash), or
## Usage
Explaining section for not-so-intuitive configurations
- alias `sambaserver`: please `cd` into the directoy is needed to be shared and execute `sambaserver` followed by `"shareuser;<SUBSTITUTE-YOUR-PASSWORD-HERE>"`, then just login with username `shareuser` and the provided password with the host computer as URL/IP, autodiscovery of both the host and the share was tested working on Windows and a Samsung Tablet.
- alias `termbin`: use when piping a cat/echo/file/etc to upload to (¡requires Netcat!)
- alias `sambaserver`: (¡requires Docker!) please `cd` into the directoy is needed to be shared and execute `sambaserver`, then just login with default username `user` and the default password `P4ssw0rd` with the host computer as URL/IP, autodiscovery of both the host and the share was tested working on Windows and a Samsung Tablet.
- alias `sambastop`: (¡requires Docker!) when you're finished, this command stops and removes the samba container.
- alias `termbin`: (¡requires Netcat!) use when piping a cat/echo/file/etc to upload to
## Modular sourcing mechanism
Create a file in your home directory called `~/.bash_sources`, and put a script path on every line of this file, it will be sourced automatically.<br>
WARNING: it has to be a full path, for example `/path/to/` and not abbreviated (as in `~/`)... idk bash decided like so.<br>
WARNING 2: every line needs to be a path to a file, not a direct command, sourcing a file is possible; souring an "export" or a function... not so much!
#### For example:
export PATH=~/bin/myproject/bin:$PATH

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@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
# Source all the overrides in this folder
for source in $(find "$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &> /dev/null && pwd)" -type f | grep -Ev "_all|terminal_fancyfying"); do
. "${source}"
. "$(cd -- "$(dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" &> /dev/null && pwd)/terminal_fancyfying_${TERMINAL_FANCYFY}"
# If the file ~/.bash_sources exist, source every line it contains
if [ -f ~/.bash_sources ]; then
while IFS= read -r line; do
# Skip empty lines and comments (#)
if [ -n "$line" ] && ! [[ "$line" == \#* ]]; then
. "$line"
done < ~/.bash_sources

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
alias pubkey='for PUBKEY_FILE in $(ls ~/.ssh/id_*.pub); do echo "${PUBKEY_FILE} :" | sed -e "s/.*id_//;s/\.pub//"; cat "${PUBKEY_FILE}"; echo; done'
alias taglist='git tag | tr - \~ | sort -V | tr \~ -'
alias hosts='sudo nano /etc/hosts'
alias historygrep='history | grep'
alias sshconfig='nano ~/.ssh/config'

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@ -21,3 +21,16 @@ __git_prompt() {
__git_history() {
echo "$(git log --oneline | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
tagpush() {
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: tagpush <tag>"
git tag "$1"
# for every remote
for REMOTE in $(git remote) ; do
# push current branch and newly created tag
git push "$REMOTE" $(git branch | grep "*" | sed 's/\* //') "$1"