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get a json value quickly

GJSON is a Go package that provides a very fast and simple way to get a value from a json document. The purpose for this library it to give efficient json indexing for the BuntDB project.

Getting Started


To start using GJSON, install Go and run go get:

$ go get -u github.com/tidwall/gjson

This will retrieve the library.

Get a value

Get searches json for the specified path. A path is in dot syntax, such as "name.last" or "age". This function expects that the json is well-formed and validates. Invalid json will not panic, but it may return back unexpected results. When the value is found it's returned immediately.

package main

import "github.com/tidwall/gjson"

const json = `{"name":{"first":"Janet","last":"Prichard"},"age":47}`

func main() {
	value := gjson.Get(json, "name.last")

This will print:


There's also the GetMany function to get multiple values at once, and GetBytes for working with JSON byte slices.

Path Syntax

A path is a series of keys separated by a dot. A key may contain special wildcard characters '*' and '?'. To access an array value use the index as the key. To get the number of elements in an array or to access a child path, use the '#' character. The dot and wildcard characters can be escaped with ''.

  "name": {"first": "Tom", "last": "Anderson"},
  "children": ["Sara","Alex","Jack"],
  "fav.movie": "Deer Hunter",
  "friends": [
    {"first": "Dale", "last": "Murphy", "age": 44},
    {"first": "Roger", "last": "Craig", "age": 68},
    {"first": "Jane", "last": "Murphy", "age": 47}
"name.last"          >> "Anderson"
"age"                >> 37
"children"           >> ["Sara","Alex","Jack"]
"children.#"         >> 3
"children.1"         >> "Alex"
"child*.2"           >> "Jack"
"c?ildren.0"         >> "Sara"
"fav\.movie"         >> "Deer Hunter"
"friends.#.first"    >> ["Dale","Roger","Jane"]
"friends.1.last"     >> "Craig"

You can also query an array for the first match by using #[...], or find all matches with #[...]#. Queries support the ==, !=, <, <=, >, >= comparison operators and the simple pattern matching % operator.

friends.#[last=="Murphy"].first    >> "Dale"
friends.#[last=="Murphy"]#.first   >> ["Dale","Jane"]
friends.#[age>45]#.last            >> ["Craig","Murphy"]
friends.#[first%"D*"].last         >> "Murphy"

Result Type

GJSON supports the json types string, number, bool, and null. Arrays and Objects are returned as their raw json types.

The Result type holds one of these:

bool, for JSON booleans
float64, for JSON numbers
string, for JSON string literals
nil, for JSON null

To directly access the value:

result.Type    // can be String, Number, True, False, Null, or JSON
result.Str     // holds the string
result.Num     // holds the float64 number
result.Raw     // holds the raw json
result.Index   // index of raw value in original json, zero means index unknown

There are a variety of handy functions that work on a result:

result.Value() interface{}
result.Int() int64
result.Uint() uint64
result.Float() float64
result.String() string
result.Bool() bool
result.Array() []gjson.Result
result.Map() map[string]gjson.Result
result.Get(path string) Result
result.ForEach(iterator func(key, value Result) bool)
result.Less(token Result, caseSensitive bool) bool

The result.Value() function returns an interface{} which requires type assertion and is one of the following Go types:

The result.Array() function returns back an array of values. If the result represents a non-existent value, then an empty array will be returned. If the result is not a JSON array, the return value will be an array containing one result.

boolean >> bool
number  >> float64
string  >> string
null    >> nil
array   >> []interface{}
object  >> map[string]interface{}

Get nested array values

Suppose you want all the last names from the following json:

  "programmers": [
      "firstName": "Janet", 
      "lastName": "McLaughlin", 
    }, {
      "firstName": "Elliotte", 
      "lastName": "Hunter", 
    }, {
      "firstName": "Jason", 
      "lastName": "Harold", 

You would use the path "programmers.#.lastName" like such:

result := gjson.Get(json, "programmers.#.lastName")
for _,name := range result.Array() {

You can also query an object inside an array:

name := gjson.Get(json, `programmers.#[lastName="Hunter"].firstName`)
println(name.String())  // prints "Elliotte"

Iterate through an object or array

The ForEach function allows for quickly iterating through an object or array. The key and value are passed to the iterator function for objects. Only the value is passed for arrays. Returning false from an iterator will stop iteration.

result := gjson.Get(json, "programmers")
result.ForEach(func(key, value gjson.Result) bool{
	return true // keep iterating

Simple Parse and Get

There's a Parse(json) function that will do a simple parse, and result.Get(path) that will search a result.

For example, all of these will return the same result:

gjson.Get(json, "name").Get("last")
gjson.Get(json, "name.last")

Check for the existence of a value

Sometimes you just want to know if a value exists.

value := gjson.Get(json, "name.last")
if !value.Exists() {
	println("no last name")
} else {

// Or as one step
if gjson.Get(json, "name.last").Exists(){
	println("has a last name")

Unmarshal to a map

To unmarshal to a map[string]interface{}:

m, ok := gjson.Parse(json).Value().(map[string]interface{})
if !ok{
	// not a map

Working with Bytes

If your JSON is contained in a []byte slice, there's the GetBytes function. This is preferred over Get(string(data), path).

var json []byte = ...
result := gjson.GetBytes(json, path)

If you are using the gjson.GetBytes(json, path) function and you want to avoid converting result.Raw to a []byte, then you can use this pattern:

var json []byte = ...
result := gjson.GetBytes(json, path)
var raw []byte
if result.Index > 0 {
    raw = json[result.Index:result.Index+len(result.Raw)]
} else {
    raw = []byte(result.Raw)

This is a best-effort no allocation sub slice of the original json. This method utilizes the result.Index field, which is the position of the raw data in the original json. It's possible that the value of result.Index equals zero, in which case the result.Raw is converted to a []byte.

Get multiple values at once

The GetMany function can be used to get multiple values at the same time, and is optimized to scan over a JSON payload once.

results := gjson.GetMany(json, "name.first", "name.last", "age")

The return value is a []Result, which will always contain exactly the same number of items as the input paths.


Benchmarks of GJSON alongside encoding/json, ffjson, EasyJSON, and jsonparser

BenchmarkGJSONGet-8              	15000000	       333 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGJSONUnmarshalMap-8     	  900000	      4188 ns/op	    1920 B/op	      26 allocs/op
BenchmarkJSONUnmarshalMap-8      	  600000	      8908 ns/op	    3048 B/op	      69 allocs/op
BenchmarkJSONUnmarshalStruct-8   	  600000	      9026 ns/op	    1832 B/op	      69 allocs/op
BenchmarkJSONDecoder-8           	  300000	     14339 ns/op	    4224 B/op	     184 allocs/op
BenchmarkFFJSONLexer-8           	 1500000	      3156 ns/op	     896 B/op	       8 allocs/op
BenchmarkEasyJSONLexer-8         	 3000000	       938 ns/op	     613 B/op	       6 allocs/op
BenchmarkJSONParserGet-8         	 3000000	       442 ns/op	      21 B/op	       0 allocs/op

Benchmarks for the GetMany function:

BenchmarkGJSONGetMany4Paths-8     	 4000000	       319 ns/op	     112 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGJSONGetMany8Paths-8     	 8000000	       218 ns/op	      56 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGJSONGetMany16Paths-8    	16000000	       160 ns/op	      56 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGJSONGetMany32Paths-8    	32000000	       130 ns/op	      64 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGJSONGetMany64Paths-8    	64000000	       117 ns/op	      64 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkGJSONGetMany128Paths-8    128000000	       109 ns/op	      64 B/op	       0 allocs/op

JSON document used:

  "widget": {
    "debug": "on",
    "window": {
      "title": "Sample Konfabulator Widget",
      "name": "main_window",
      "width": 500,
      "height": 500
    "image": { 
      "src": "Images/Sun.png",
      "hOffset": 250,
      "vOffset": 250,
      "alignment": "center"
    "text": {
      "data": "Click Here",
      "size": 36,
      "style": "bold",
      "vOffset": 100,
      "alignment": "center",
      "onMouseUp": "sun1.opacity = (sun1.opacity / 100) * 90;"

Each operation was rotated though one of the following search paths:


For the GetMany benchmarks these paths are used:


These benchmarks were run on a MacBook Pro 15" 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 using Go 1.7.


Josh Baker @tidwall


GJSON source code is available under the MIT License.